Contribute’s Christine Healey serves as featured speaker at a networking event for Chilean women

Contribute’s Christine Healey serves as featured speaker at a networking event for Chilean women

This week, Contribute LLC‘s Christine Healey de Casanova served as the featured speaker at a networking event for Chilean women living in North America.

Mujeres Chilenas Lideres-NA hosted the event and Chile’s Ambassador to the UN, Paula Narváez, and General Consul, Javiera Villarroel Veliz were among the leaders in the room.

Christine facilitated Contribute’s “Tell Your Story” – “Narra tu historia” – in Spanish. And the attendees crafted and shared stories of courage, perseverance, kindness, and belonging. The women laughed and cried and cheered one another on.

Thank you to everyone who made it a memorable evening!
🌟 To Gloria Garafulich-Grabois of the Gabriela Mistral Foundation and Claudia Morales of BlackRock and We Are Mef for their leadership and collaboration.
🌟 To the Paul Hastings team for generously sponsoring and hosting us.
🌟 To the North American Chilean Chamber of Commerce and the USA CHAPTER of the World Association of Women Journalists and Writers AMMPE for your support!


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